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Sim800l Delete All Sms

Sim800l Delete All Sms

Toenable a computer / PC to read SMS messages from a message storagearea, the GSM/GPRS modem or mobile phone has to support either of theAT commands +CMGR (command name in text: Read Messages) and +CMGL(command name in text: List Messages). The +CMGR AT command is usedto read an SMS message at a certain location of the message storagearea, while the +CMGL AT command is used to read SMS messages thathave a certain status from the message storage area.

The status canbe 'received unread', 'received read', 'storedunsent', 'stored sent', etc. The +CMGL AT command alsoallows you to retrieve all SMS messages stored in the message storagearea.Followingis an example for illustrating the difference between +CMGR and+CMGL. Suppose you want to use your computer / PC to read a textmessage from the message storage area and you know the index at whichthe SMS text message is located. In this case, you should use the+CMGR AT command. Here is the command line to be typed (assume theSMS text message is stored at index 3):AT+CMGR=3TheGSM/GPRS modem or mobile phone should return something like this:+CMGR:'REC READ','+7','07/02/18,00:12:05+32'Hello,welcome to our SMS tutorial.OKSupposeyou are now in another situation.


Sep 19, 2013 - Posts about GSM Receiving SMS written by alselectro. The first SM specifies the message storage area that will be used while Reading or Deleting SMS. In our case,SM is the preferredstorage area for all SMS functions.


Sim800l delete all sms

You want to use your computer / PCto retrieve all inbound SMS messages that have not been read before.In this case, you should use the +CMGL AT command. In SMS text mode,the command line to be used should be:AT+CMGL='RECUNREAD'TheGSM/GPRS modem or mobile phone should return something like this:+CMGL:1,'REC UNREAD','+7','07/02/18,00:05:10+32'Readingtext messages is easy.+CMGL: 2,'RECUNREAD','+7','07/02/18,00:07:22+32'Asimple demo of SMS text messaging.OKThe+CMGL AT command can also be used to read all SMS messages stored inthe message storage area.

Sim800l Delete All Sms

Tiago Bernardo 19-May-15 3:2119-May-15 3:21Hi there,I reached this post sugested by you (I posted a question about GSMCOMM LIB post). Now I can connect to the modem without any problem, I even can send messages using the up but everytime that I try to retrieve the messages from SIM card I receive a message saying that there's no messages in SIM. That's not true, I know that theres is messages there because I checked with other APP that I'm testing too. Is it possible that I'm doing anything wrong? Thanks in advance.

Sim800l Delete All Sms